And the Lurid Glare of the Comet (TPB) (Aldiss, Brian W.)

Science Fiction is everywhere. Every day fantasy is made fact by new technologies, advancements in science and by connection and communication. Imaginings of the future allow us to reshape our understanding of all that we experience – and through classic science fiction we are better able to understand the hopes and ambitions of the past. With precision and humour Aldiss uses science fiction as a lens with which to examine some of his favourite authors and their work, the role of art and literature – and to look globally at nationhood and culture. With humility and rare insight Aldiss also turns the lens on himself and the experiences which informed his long career in the genre. A collection of thought-provoking essays and revelations by Brian Aldiss, the master of British science fiction.

Udgivet af Harper Collins Publishers U.K. 

Brian W. Aldiss
Brian Aldiss er en englænder som regnes blandt en af verdenens bedste science fiction forfattere. Han har skrevet bøger siden slutningen af halvtredserne. Han har vundet både Hugo og Nebula priser og er manden bag nogle af de mest anerkendte bøger inden for science fiction genren, bland andet; "Helliconia Spring", "Helliconia Summer" og "Helliconia Winter", en trilogi som fortæller om en planet hvor årstiderne varer flere århundreder. "The Malacia Tapestry" , hans eneste fantasy roman og en af hans bedste bøger, handler om en mystisk by. Han har desuden skrevet en non-fiction bog om scienc fiction genren; "Trillion Year Spree". Hans seneste bog er SF romanen "Super-State."

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