Second Foundation Trilogy, The nr. 3: Foundation's Triumph (af David Brin) (Asimov, Isaac)
One Last Adventure!Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy is one of the highwater marks of science fiction. The monumental story of a Galactic Empire in decline and a secret society of scientists who seek to shorten the coming Dark Age with tools of Psychohistory, Foundation pioneered many themes of modern science fiction. Now, with the approval of the Asimov estate, three of today's most acclaimed authors have completed the epic the Grand Master left unfinished.The Second Foundation Trilogy begins with Gregory Benford's Foundation's Fear, telling the origins of Hari Seldon, the Foundation's creator. Greg Bear's Foundation and Chaos relates the epic tale of Seldon's downfall and the first stirrings of robotic rebellion. Now, in David Brin's Foundation's Triumph, Seldon is about to escape exile and risk everything for one final quest-a search for knowledge and the power it bestows. The outcome of this final journey may secure humankind's future-or witness its final downfall...Author Biography: David Brin has degrees in astronomy and applied physics but has been a full-time science fiction writer for many years. He has won the Hugo Award for Best Novel for both The Uplift War and Startide Rising, which also won the Nebula Award. He has also won the Hugo Award for short story. His novel The Postman was recently made into a feature film starring Kevin Costner. He lives near San Diego, California, with his wife and children.
Udgivet af Harper Collins US 1905
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov var en af sf-genrens kæmper. Asimov blev født i 1920. Han begyndte af skrive sf i 40'erne, deriblandt de noveller som endte med at blive til hans klassiske "Foundation" trilogi. Han er lige så kendt for sine Robot-noveller hvor Asimov kom med tre love som var nødvendige for at robotter kunne tjene mennesker. Senere i 80'erne begyndte Asimov at genoptage sine gamle serier og endte med flette dem sammen til én lang kronologi. Han skrev også flere "Foundation" bøger, selvom han aldrig nåede at gøre serien helt færdrig. Det har så David Brin, Greg Bear og Gregory Benford gjort for ham med deres egen trilogi.