Riftwar Saga, The nr. 5: Prince of the Blood (Feist, Raymond E.)
This welcome continuation of The Riftwar Saga picks up 20 years after A Darkness of Sethanon leaves off. In part a coming-of-age story, it tells of Borric and Erland, twin sons of the Prince of Krondor. Carelessly lighthearted, they soon learn the need for responsibility in times of danger. Borric, the elder, named heir to the throne of the Kingdom of the Isles, is sent with his brother in place of their father to the Jubilee of the empress of Kesh, a powerful neighbor. An attempt on Borric's life forces the party to follow a secret route. During a raider attack, Borric is seized as a slave and thought dead, leaving Erland as heir. While the royal entourage continues its trip, Borric escapes--but keeps his identity secret. Meanwhile, Erland has been introduced to the splendors of the palace of the world's most powerful ruler, and to the much looser sexual mores of the Keshians. He also begins to enjoy a position of prestige and influence. Several deaths occur before the plot against both countries can be unraveled in Feist's lively tale, where a solid backdrop and engaging characters inhabit a well-rounded fantasy land.
Udgivet af Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Co., Inc. 1905
Raymond E. Feist
Amerikansk forfatter som er blevet et af de største navne inden for fantasy. Han startede med at skrive romanen "Magician" som blev delt I to bind. Her lærte vi Pug, Tomas og alle de andre at kende. Siden har det udviklet sig til det som kaldes for "The Riftwar Saga", men serien fortsatte med en trilogi som foregik I Kelewan, den ene af verdenerne i den foregående serie. Og der er kommet "The Serpentwar Saga" som introducerer nye personer, samt "The Riftwar Legacy" som fylder nogle af hullerne mellem de tidligere bøger.