Hinder Stars, The (HC) nr. 2: Alliance Unbound (m. Jane S. Fancher) (Cherryh, C.J.)
With deft prose and complex characters, Alliance Unbound is thought-provoking science fiction that shrewdly examines the technological and sociopolitical challenges of humanity’s journey to the stars. When Cyteen opened up faster-than-light travel, it gave the technology for free to any ship that could reach it; and with that technology, it provided a map of jump-points, points of mass enabling starships to navigate hyperspace safely. The map of jump-points, however, stopped with the route to Alpha—thus excluding Sol, and Earth, and the Earth Company, whose gateway to the stars was Alpha. Cyteen knew exactly what it was doing with its gift. Sol and the EC could still reach Alpha with sub-light pusher-ships as it always had—but Sol and the Earth Company no longer had any authority in the Beyond. But Sol intends to take back control of its star-stations and stop Cyteen's unbridled expansion, however it can. To do that, they are willing to starve Alpha and concentrate their efforts on a huge FTLer capable of carrying military force.
Udgivet af DAW
C.J. Cherryh
Cherryh er en amerikansk forfatterinde som er en af de mest produktive og bedste navne både inden for fantasy og SF. Hun begyndte at skrive i slutningen af 60'ernem men det var i 1976 at hun slog rigtigt igennem med det første bind i hendes "Morgaine" serie; "Gate of Ivrel". Siden har hun skrevet romaner som var alt lige fra fantasy til hard SF. Mange af hendes SF-romaner foregår i "Union-Alliance" universet, se f. eks. "Chanur"-bøgerne, eller "Downbelow Station" som vandt en Hugo pris i 1981. Hendes seneste projekt er en SF-serie uden for hendes sædvanelige univers; serien starter med "Precursor," og der er nu 8 bøger i serien med flere på vej. Desuden har Cherryh også skrevet fantasy serien som starter med "Fortress in the Eye of Time."