SF Masterworks (TPB)Island of Doctor Moreau, The (Wells, H.G.)
Edward Prendick is shipwrecked and finds himself stranded on an island in the Pacific. Here he meets the sinister Dr Moreau, a vivisectionst driven out of Britain in disgrace. And soon strange events cause Prendick to uncover the full horror of Dr Moreau's activities on the island. THE ISLAND OF DR MOREAU mixes discussion on the divide between humans and the animal kingdom and chilling macabre horror in an unrivalled fashion. Its question on how far science should go is one that rings true today as it did when it was first published. H.G. Wells' terrifying tale of science run amok.
Udgivet af Gollancz
H.G. Wells
Engelsk forfatter som levede fra 1866 til 1946 og en af de mænd som er en af ophavsmændene for hele science fiction genren. Wells skrev udødelige klassikere som "The War of the Worlds", "The Time Machine", "The Invisible Man" og"The Island of Doctor Moreau." Udover sine romane skrev Wells også artikler hvor han prøvede at forudse hvor verdenen kunne ende, og var dermed til at sakbe fremtiden. Den engelske forfatter har skrevet, "The Time Ships", en fortsættelse på "The Time Machine."