Five Novels: (The Lathe of Heaven / The Eye of the Heron, The Beginning Place, Searoad, Lavinia) (HC) (Le Guin, Ursula K.)
Together for the first time, all 5 standalone novels from the Hugo and Nebula award–winning writer who reinvented science fiction, including one restored to print Spans from the 1971 classic The Lathe of Heaven to her career-crowning 2008 masterpiece Lavinia This 7th volume in the definitive Library of America edition of Ursula K. Le Guin’s works presents 5 remarkable standalone novels that showcase her boundless creativity and literary range. In the Locus Award–winning The Lathe of Heaven (1971), one of Le Guin’s most admired works of science fiction, George Orr begins have effective dreams: dreams that change reality itself. But when he turns to the sleep researcher William Haber for help, the doctor sees an opportunity to use Orr’s strange gift for his own ends. A former Terran prison colony on the planet Victoria seems destined for revolution in The Eye of the Heron (1978), when the authoritarian leaders in the City try to assert control over the peaceful farmers who have been sent to live around them. The Beginning Place (1980) is a parable-like story in which Hugh and Irena have both found their way to the Beginning Place, a gateway to another world. The two initially become enemies, but must learn to work together when the utopia they’ve found turns out to have a shadow. The long out-of-print Searoad: Chronicles of Klatsand (1991) is a Winesburg-like series of linked stories set in a small vacation town on the Oregon coast, where some of the characters have come for a weekend and some for longer, but all are pilgrims in the grip of inexpressible longings. And Le Guin’s final, powerfully feminist novel, Lavinia (2008), reimagines Virgil's Aeneid from the perspective of a woman who, in poet's telling, never speaks a word.
Udgivet af The Library of America
Ursula K. Le Guin
Amerikansk forfatterinde som er en af de mest kendte og roste SF og fantasy forfattere. I fantasy er hun mest kendt for "Earthsea" serien, som startede med "A Wizard of Earthsea" I 1968. Inden for få år fuldte to bind til og alle troede at det var det, indtil den fjerde bog udkom I 1990. Desuden skrev hun en ny novelle I serien til Robert Silverbergs fantasy antologi "Legends"
Inden for SF er hun mest kendt for sine "Hainish" bøger. "The Left Hand of Darkness" vandt både Hugo og Nebula prisen, og det samme gjorde "The Dispossessed." Hendes seneste bog I universet hed "Four Ways to Forgiveness".