Discworld (TPB) nr. 1: Colour of Magic, The (Pratchett, Terry)
'It was octarine, the colour of magic. It was alive and glowing and vibrant and it was the undisputed pigment of the imagination . . .' Somewhere between thought and reality exists the Discworld, a magical world not totally unlike our own. Except for the fact that it travels through space on the shoulders of four giant elephants who in turn stand on the shell of an astronomically huge star turtle, of course. Rincewind is the world's worst wizard who has just been handed a very important job: to look after the world's first tourist, upon whose survival rests the peace and prosperity of the land. Unfortunately, their journey across the Disc includes facing robbers, monsters, mercenaries, and Death himself. And the whole thing's just a game of the gods that might send them over the edge . . .
Udgivet af Corgi Books
Terry Pratchett
Engelsk forfatter som er kendt og elsket for sine "Discworld" bøger som der nu er kommet næsten 40 af. Det hele startede med bogen "The Colour of Magic" som udkom I 1983, om en klodset troldmand ved navn Rincewind. 3 år senere udkom fortsættelsen og siden har Pratchett ikke fået nogen nattesøvn fordi sultne fans sad og ventede på hans næste bog. Det stadigt voksende person galleri består blandt andet af heksen Granny Weatherwax, kufferten Luggage, døden DEATH, og vagten Vimes. Der er blevet lavet en del skuespil baseret på Pratchett's bøger og der er også blevet lavet tegnefilmsudgaver af to af dem.