Fantastic Four (TPB): Epic Collection Vol. 3: Coming of Galactus, The (1964-1966) (Reprint).

Collecting FANTASTIC FOUR (1961) #33-51 and ANNUAL #3 Stan Lee called it "the World's Greatest Comic Magazine," and he wasn't kidding. If Lee and Jack Kirby set the comics world on fire in 1961 with the debut of the Fantastic Four, in 1965 they burned it down. Letting loose an unmatched burst of rapid-fire creativity, they gave birth to the Frightful Four, the Inhumans, Galactus and the Silver Surfer - and even pulled off the first super-hero wedding! There are also monster menaces galore, including Dragon Man - and out-of-this-world villains, from the shape-shifting Skrulls to the undersea warlord Attuma. But it's not just the panel-bursting action that makes FANTASTIC FOUR great. It's the drama of a family, united to explore all the wonders of the Marvel Universe side by side!

Udgivet af Marvel 2018

Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby - oprindelig Jacob Kurtzberg - er en af de mest betydningsfulde tegneserieskabere i den amerikanske tegneserieverden nogensinde. Han er bedst kendt for sammen med Stan Lee at have skabt store dele af Marvel-universet, f.eks. figurer som Fantastic Four, X-Men, Thor, Hulk, Captain America (skabt sammen med Joe Simon), Iron Man, Avengers, Nick Fury og mange andre. Han startede sin karriere i 1936 som avisstribetegner for Lincoln Newspaper Syndicate, og gennem sin karriere tegnede han over 25 000 sider. På grund af hans store betydning for superheltegenren bliver han ofte kaldt "Jack the King" af superheltefans. Han blev optaget i The Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame i 1987. (Ovenstående personbeskrivelse er taget fra ComicWiki under en Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 licens)

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