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Hinder Stars, The nr. 1: Alliance Rising (m. Jane S. Fancher) (Cherryh, C.J.)
For years, the stations of the Hinder Stars have lagged behind the great megastations of the Beyond. But new opportunities and fears arise when Alpha station receives news of an incoming ship with no identification. The denizens of Alpha wait anxiously for news about the outsiders, each with their own suspicions about the ship and its origins. Some believe the unidentified ship belongs to Pell station and has come to investigate another massive ship docked at Alpha, The Rights of Man. James Robert Neihart, captain of Finity’s End—a huge faster-than-light ship flown by one of the Merchanter Families—has heard whispers of The Rights of Man and wonders at its design and purpose. Now docked at Alpha, he must convince the crews that there is more to The Rights of Man than meets the eye. Because the reasons behind the creation of The Rights of Man, and its true plans, could change everything—not just for Sol, but for the Hinder Stars and the Beyond itself. Story Locale: Alliance-Union Universe Series Overview: The Hinder Stars explores one of the earliest conflicts in the Alliance-Union universe, a galaxy-spanning saga of political intrigue and corporate sabotage.
Udgivet af DAW
C.J. Cherryh
Cherryh er en amerikansk forfatterinde som er en af de mest produktive og bedste navne både inden for fantasy og SF. Hun begyndte at skrive i slutningen af 60'ernem men det var i 1976 at hun slog rigtigt igennem med det første bind i hendes "Morgaine" serie; "Gate of Ivrel". Siden har hun skrevet romaner som var alt lige fra fantasy til hard SF. Mange af hendes SF-romaner foregår i "Union-Alliance" universet, se f. eks. "Chanur"-bøgerne, eller "Downbelow Station" som vandt en Hugo pris i 1981. Hendes seneste projekt er en SF-serie uden for hendes sædvanelige univers; serien starter med "Precursor," og der er nu 8 bøger i serien med flere på vej. Desuden har Cherryh også skrevet fantasy serien som starter med "Fortress in the Eye of Time."