Second Foundation Trilogy, The nr. 1: Foundation's Fear (af Gregory Benford) (Asimov, Isaac)

With the permission - and blessing - of the Asimov estate, three of today's bestselling SF writers, Gregory Benford, Greg Bear, and David Brin, have conspired (like the original Foundation!) to complete the epic saga the beloved Grand Master left unfinished. The Second Foundation Trilogy begins with Gregory Benford's Foundation's Fear, a voyage to the very beginnings of the enterprise itself and of its mysterious founder. Hari Seldon wanted nothing more than to be a mathist, absorbed in the cool precision of numbers. But fate - and a cruel Emperor's arbitrary power - thrust him into the First Ministership of the Empire against his will. As the story opens, Hari is about to leave his quiet professorship and take on the all but impossible task of governing twenty-five million inhabited worlds from the all-steel planet of Trantor. With the help of his beautiful bio-engineered "wife" Dors and his protege Yugo, Seldon is still developing the science that will transform history, never dreaming that it will ultimately put him against future history's most awesome threat.

Udgivet af Harper Collins US 1905

Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov var en af sf-genrens kæmper. Asimov blev født i 1920. Han begyndte af skrive sf i 40'erne, deriblandt de noveller som endte med at blive til hans klassiske "Foundation" trilogi. Han er lige så kendt for sine Robot-noveller hvor Asimov kom med tre love som var nødvendige for at robotter kunne tjene mennesker. Senere i 80'erne begyndte Asimov at genoptage sine gamle serier og endte med flette dem sammen til én lang kronologi. Han skrev også flere "Foundation" bøger, selvom han aldrig nåede at gøre serien helt færdrig. Det har så David Brin, Greg Bear og Gregory Benford gjort for ham med deres egen trilogi.

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