Riftwar Legacy nr. 2: Krondor the Assassins (Feist, Raymond E.)
New York Times bestselling author Raymond E. Feist returns us now to a place of unparalleled wonders — a sprawling kingdom coveted by enemies on all sides; a bustling center of commerce and magic, vibrantly alive and eternally in conflict. This is Midkemia, where great heroes are bred, and its glorious center... KrondorPrince Arutha—newly returned from battle—is concerned about a rash of unexplained assassinations that plagues his capital city. And so he commissions his most trusted agent, Squire James — formerly the thief known as "Jimmy the Hand" — to discover the source of the deadly epidemic. The answers seem to lie far beneath the streets in the dank depths of Krondor, where a terrible war rages in secret between two rival criminal gangs: those who call themselves "Mockers" and others in the thrall of a mysterious being known as "The Crawler." But the deeper the Squire delves, the closer he gets to the true nature of the horror that has left untold dead in its wake. And unless James can prevent one last, unthinkable slaying, the nightmare forces of corruption and deceit will destroy his liege and reduce his beloved Krondor to ruins.
Udgivet af Harper Collins US 1905
Raymond E. Feist
Amerikansk forfatter som er blevet et af de største navne inden for fantasy. Han startede med at skrive romanen "Magician" som blev delt I to bind. Her lærte vi Pug, Tomas og alle de andre at kende. Siden har det udviklet sig til det som kaldes for "The Riftwar Saga", men serien fortsatte med en trilogi som foregik I Kelewan, den ene af verdenerne i den foregående serie. Og der er kommet "The Serpentwar Saga" som introducerer nye personer, samt "The Riftwar Legacy" som fylder nogle af hullerne mellem de tidligere bøger.