Death Gate Cycle nr. 3: Fire Sea (Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy)
Abarrach, the Realm of stone. Here, on a barren world of underground caverns built around a core of molten lava, the lesser races — humans, elves, and dwarves — seem to have all died off. Here, too, what may well be the last remnants of the once powerful Sartan still struggle to survive. For Haplo and Alfred — enemies by heritage, traveling companions by necessity — Abarrach may reveal more than either dares to discover about the history of Sartan... and the future of all their descendants.
Udgivet af Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Co., Inc. 1905
Margaret & Hickman Weis
Amerikansk forfatterere som sammen skrev den allerførste og mest berømte trilogi af "Dragonlance" romaner. Siden "Dragons of Auttumn Twilight" udkom I 1984 er begge disse forfattere gået hen og blever nogle af verdenens mest populære fantasyforfattere. I deres egne verdener har de skrevet blandt andet den 7 binds serie, "The Death Gate Cycle" og "Darksword" serien. Weis og Hickmans seneste projekt er en en ny trilogi I "Dragonlance" verdenen.