Foundation nr. 2: Forward the Foundation (Prequel 2) (Asimov, Isaac)
For nearly fifty years, Isaac Asimov thrilled millions of readers with his internationally bestselling Foundation Series, a spell-binding tale of the future that spans hundreds of years and dozens of worlds. Here, now, is Forward the Foundation, the seventh and final volume in the series. Completed just before his death, it is the Grand Master's last gift to his legions of admirers. Here, at last, is the story Asimov fans have been waiting for, an exciting tale of danger, intrigue, and suspense that chronicles the second half of hero Hari Seldon's life as he struggles to perfect his revolutionary Theory of Psychohistory and establish the means by which the survival of humanity will be ensured: Foundation. For, as Seldon and his loyal band of followers know, the mighty Galactic Empire is crumbling, and its inevitable destruction will wreak havoc Galaxy-wide ... A resounding tour de force, Forward the Foundation brings full circle Asimov's renowned Foundation epic. It is the crowning achievement of a great writer's life, and a stunning testament to the creative genius of Isaac Asimov.
Udgivet af Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Co., Inc. 1905
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov var en af sf-genrens kæmper. Asimov blev født i 1920. Han begyndte af skrive sf i 40'erne, deriblandt de noveller som endte med at blive til hans klassiske "Foundation" trilogi. Han er lige så kendt for sine Robot-noveller hvor Asimov kom med tre love som var nødvendige for at robotter kunne tjene mennesker. Senere i 80'erne begyndte Asimov at genoptage sine gamle serier og endte med flette dem sammen til én lang kronologi. Han skrev også flere "Foundation" bøger, selvom han aldrig nåede at gøre serien helt færdrig. Det har så David Brin, Greg Bear og Gregory Benford gjort for ham med deres egen trilogi.