Last Interview, The: And Other Conversations (TPB) (Butler, Octavia E.)
“I write about people who do extraordinary things. It just turned out that it was called science fiction.” - Octavia E. Butler Octavia E. Butler's work broke innumerable barriers and helped open the field of science fiction to writers and readers it had never had before. As the first Black writer to win the coveted Nebula and Hugo Awards, her courage and vision left a peerless legacy for fans not just of science fiction, but of American literature. In this collection of 6 interviews, 3 of them never published, Butler speaks with candor and openness about her work, her imaginative mission, and the barriers she faced as a Black woman working in a genre dominated by white men. Series Overview: The Last Interview and Other Conversations series offers a remarkably fresh look at some of the world's leading innovative writers and edgiest cultural figures by gathering conversations from throughout an artist's career and collecting them in one volume.
Udgivet af Melville House Publishing
Octavia E. Butler
Butler er en amerikansk SF forfatterinde. Hun begyndte at skrive i 1971, men fik først udgivet sin første roman i 1976. Hendes første bøger var de fire i "Patternist" serien. I 1984 skrev hun novellen "Bloodchild" som vandt både Hugo og Nebula priserne. Senere skrev hun "Xenogenesis" serien; "Dawn", "Adulthood Rites" og "Imago". Hendes bog "Parable of the Sower" blev nomineret til en Nebula pris. Der er kommet en fortsættelse "Parable of the Talents."