Age of Sigmar (TPB)Godsbane (af Dale Lucas) (Warhammer)
Follow along with a group of heroes as they seek out a weapon to destroy the gods in this epic Age of Sigmar novel. n eldritch days long lost to memory, those desperate to escape the cruelties of the gods forged a terrible weapon. Capable of granting the humblest mortal the power to stand against the might of the divine, it came to be known as Godsbane. For Thelana Evenfall, Lumineth loreseeker and tutor at the Lyceum Fundamental in the city of Settler's Gain, the weapon is a footnote – the shadow of a rumour buried under mountains of long-forgotten lore. But when whispers of its whereabouts resurface, the vying factions within Hysh emerge to claim its power. From trusted allies to insidious cults, Thelana must navigate a treacherous landscape of clashing armies, political machinations and betrayals within betrayals, all in a desperate effort to defend the powerless from the all-powerful and to ask the unanswerable question:
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