Pendragon Cycle, The nr. 2: Merlin (Lawhead, Stephen R.)

Merlin, like his father, the Bard Taliesin, has a great mission. But his is the more difficult. Where Taliesin imagined the Kingdom of Summer in song, it falls to Merlin to bring it into existence. Through a series of grave trials that tax his spirit and nearly destroy his body and mind, Merlin discovers how to bring the Kingdom of Summer into being. What’s more, Merlin is being readied for his life’s work: to prepare the coming of the Pendragon, Britain's great ruler, Lord of the Summer Kingdom, and Lion of Logres.

Udgivet af Baen 

Stephen R. Lawhead
Amerikansk forfatter som har skrevet bøger siden 1982. Han er mest kendt for sin fantasy serie baseret på legenderne om Kong Arthur. "The Pendragon Cycle" består af; "Taliesin", "Merlin", "Pendragon" og "Grail".

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