Ancient Magus' Bride Wizard's Blue (TPB) nr. 8: Stroke of Luck, A.

Blanche’s hatred is so great it threatens to blot out even Giselle in her dragon form. Giselle, Ao, and the others are backed into a corner by that overwhelming power, unable to do anything. But then rescue arrives from an unexpected quadrant—the commune that everyone thought was sitting this battle out, Wadjet Bibliothèque! Series Overview: An orphaned boy named Ao is taken under the wing of the mage Giselle to explore the artistry of magic in Paris. For readers interested in a gender-swapped take on the original premise of The Ancient Magus’ Bride, this beautifully illustrated manga is full of all-new wonder.

Udgivet af Seven Seas Entertainment 2024

Tegneserier Manga
130,00 kr.

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