Captain America (TPB): Mighty Marvel Masterworks Volume 3: To Be Reborn.

COLLECTING: TALES OF SUSPENSE (1959) #95-99 and CAPTAIN AMERICA (1968) #100-105 Continuing the Mighty Marvel Masterworks series with some of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's most iconic Captain America tales! Marvel's man out of time, Captain America, is back and battling for justice in the Mighty Marvel Masterworks! The adventures in this volume are some of Cap's greatest, and how could they not be when they're crafted by the creative team of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby? Cap teams with the Black Panther - in some of the leader of the Wakanda's earliest appearances - to grapple with Baron Zemo, the man who killed Cap's partner during World War II! Then, Cap and Sharon Carter (a.k.a. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Agent-13) will confront the true face of evil, the Red Skull. Also featuring an action-packed issue with Batroc and the Swordsman that bristles with the limitless power of "King" Kirby's art!

Udgivet af Marvel 2024

Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby - oprindelig Jacob Kurtzberg - er en af de mest betydningsfulde tegneserieskabere i den amerikanske tegneserieverden nogensinde. Han er bedst kendt for sammen med Stan Lee at have skabt store dele af Marvel-universet, f.eks. figurer som Fantastic Four, X-Men, Thor, Hulk, Captain America (skabt sammen med Joe Simon), Iron Man, Avengers, Nick Fury og mange andre. Han startede sin karriere i 1936 som avisstribetegner for Lincoln Newspaper Syndicate, og gennem sin karriere tegnede han over 25 000 sider. På grund af hans store betydning for superheltegenren bliver han ofte kaldt "Jack the King" af superheltefans. Han blev optaget i The Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame i 1987. (Ovenstående personbeskrivelse er taget fra ComicWiki under en Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 licens)

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