Weakest Tamer Began a Journey To Pick Up Trash, The (TPB) nr. 5: Unsettling Presence Looms Closer.., An.

Although Ivy and the Sword of Flames arrive in Otolwa safely, she still cannot shake the unpleasant gaze clinging to her every move. Rattloore and the others decide to capture the “organization” they believe to be the culprit, and despite her fear, Ivy resolves to stand with them. But will her bravery last when she learns the truth? Series Overview: When Ivy learns she’s “starless,” she knows her life is over. Without stars, she can’t use her Tamer skill to subdue even the smallest of animals. So she flees into the forest, where she befriends a lowly slime named Sora—the one creature she can tame. Together, this unlikely pair begins salvaging other people’s rubbish in an attempt to turn their lives around!

Udgivet af Seven Seas Entertainment 2024


Tegneserier Manga
140,00 kr.

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