Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® presents an adaptation of Prosper Mérimée's classic weird tale "The Venus of Ille" as a Nate Ward adventure! The story bounds to life with a cast of professional actors, thrilling sound effects and an original orchestral score by Reber Clark. Click here for more information about our Lovecraft stories in the Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® series. They're like movies you can enjoy with your eyes closed. Archeologist Nathaniel Ward returns to the Isle of Wight and recalls a strange incident from his younger days. While viewing Roman ruins on a local estate he's invited to stay for a wedding. Ward uncovers an unusual Roman artifact. Will the discovery prove auspicious for the young couple, or will it unleash a strange and terrible wrath? The CD edition will feature the 75-minute audio show plus a collection of props to enhance your listening experience. Like other DART shows, it features great props from the story including:* A page from The Isle of Wight Observer with society news A postcard from Nate Ward A page from The Graphic with a map and illustration of certain Roman ruins A magazine article about real tennis by an Olympic medalist BONUS ITEM - pre-order customers will get a page of curious Vectian folklore... All of these great extras will be complemented by the fantastic artwork of illustrator Darrell Tutchton in the style you've come to know and love from other episodes of Dark Adventure Radio Theatre®. Everything else you ever wanted to know about Dark Adventure Radio Theatre® is right here.
Udgivet af H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society, The 2024