Mercedes Lackey
Amerikansk forfatterinde, gift med Larry Dixon, som hun har skrevet nogle bøger sammen med. Lackey fik udgivet sin første roman I 1987 og har siden produceret et sandt væld af bøger, enten alene eller sammen med en medforfatter. Mange af hendes bøger (inklusive hendes første; "Arrows of the Queen") foregår I hendes "Valdemar" verden, hvor der er flere trilogier og nogle enkeltbind som foregår. Lackey har også skrevet flere bøger om Diana Tregarde, som er okkult detektiv. Desuden har hun skrevet bøger I andres verdener; bl.a. I computerspillet "Bard's Tale", og en "Darkover" bog sammen med Marion Bradley.
R. A. Lafferty
Wide-ranging and resistant to classifications of genre or style, R.A. Lafferty (November 7, 1914 – March 18, 2002) can best be labeled, with little room for argument, as brilliant. His three dozen novels chronicle everything from the Fall of Rome to the decline of futuristic utopias not yet born.
Mark Lawrence
Mark Lawrence was born in Champagne-Urbanan, Illinois, to British parents but moved to the UK at the age of one. He went back to the US after taking a PhD in mathematics at Imperial College to work on a variety of research projects including the ‘Star Wars’ missile defence programme. Returning to the UK, he has worked mainly on image processing and decision/reasoning theory. He says he never had any ambition to be a writer so was very surprised when a half-hearted attempt to find an agent turned into a global publishing deal overnight. His first trilogy, THE BROKEN EMPIRE, has been universally acclaimed as a ground-breaking work of fantasy. Following The Broken Empire comes the bestselling RED QUEEN’S WAR trilogy. The BOOK OF THE ANCESTOR trilogy, in an entirely new setting, commences with RED SISTER in 2017.